ABC Basketball House League is proud to continue the tradition that Gino Cundari created!
Our mission is to provide youth in Aurora/Newmarket/Richmond Hill the opportunity to play basketball at a low cost and in a fun, welcoming and grass roots environment!
Gino Cundari, Head Coach & Lead Instructor, has been operating basketball camps in Aurora, Newmarket and Richmond Hill since 1997. He earned his degree in Physical Health & Education from the University of Toronto and is a certified basketball official and has coached basketball as part of his lifelong teaching career.
Matthew Cundari, Head Coach & Lead Instructor has been involved with the program since 2001. He earned his degree in History from York University and his Bachelor of Education from Lakehead University. He has been involved with the York University Lions Mens Varsity Basketball team on the staff, is a certified basketball official and has coached at various levels including rep and high school teams. Matthew has followed in his father's footsteps in terms of incorporating basketball into his lifelong teaching and coaching journey.
Our program is rooted in the fundamentals and making sure every athlete enjoys the lovely game of basketball. We start from the basics and work our way to more advanced skills, all while maintaining your athlete's confidence and love of the game. Some fundamentals we cover are:
- Dribbling
- Ball Handling
- Passing
- Shooting
- Defense (Team+Personal)
- Spacing and Full Court drills
Teams warm up together and learn the fundamentals of the game every week. Teams will also play each other in a round robin format. OUR BIG DIFFERENTIAL: Our coaches are also ref'ing the games allowing for games to be stopped and learning to be done on the fly. Our coaches are constantly reminding and encouraging our players!
- Half hour warmup and skill development
- Games are one hour
- Semi Finals and Finals
Offering small group development training with elite coaches Wednesday nights at GW Williams in the fall. Please contact for more info!