** REGISTRATION LINK https://shorturl.at/5zjnZ **
Welcome to ABC Basketball House League Spring Registration Form!
Please answer all required fields and secure your athlete's spot by e-transferring registration fee to abchouseleague@gmail.com (PLEASE add your child's name on the e-transfer note)
Revised Fee
Tuesday session 10 weeks - $240 ($275 if jersey is needed)
Wednesday session 8 weeks - $192 ($227 if jersey is needed)
Please note, your spot will not be reserved until payment is received. Email abchouseleague@gmail.com or call 905-783-6875 to make other arrangements.
- Tuesday Night at Dr. G.W. Williams S.S. - 39 Dunning Ave, Aurora, ON L4G 1A2 - 10 week session, ages 10-11 / 12-13. 6:30-8:00pm - SPRING SESSION BEGINS APRIL 8th 2025
- Wednesday Night at Dr. G.W. Williams S.S. - 39 Dunning Ave, Aurora, ON L4G 1A2 - 8 week session, ages 10-11 / 12-13. 6:30-8:00pm - SPRING SESSION BEGINS APRIL 23rd 2025
** REGISTRATION LINK https://shorturl.at/5zjnZ **